Friday, March 12, 2010

Same flower, different view

This view shows how vibrantly red the flowers were. They looked like velvet.

I had to share this picture

This is a close-up of an amarillis given to me by my friend Tamra Novak at Christmas. It grew and grew and finally bloomed when it was about 2 1/2 feet tall. It wound it's way up through my Meyer lemon tree that was blooming as well.

Pearl the vase lady

This is the little lady vase that we have in our shop. Everyone wants to buy her but she lives here with us. Isn't she pretty? She is now available as a mousepad for only $12.00! I'm hoping to have her printed to frame as well. If you would like to have one for your very own, they are available at the shop of course but on our website, too.
I am equally excited because I finally figured out how to put a picture in my posting! Up til now I've either posted or put up a picture. Maybe now I'm officially a blogger? We shall see.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Spring is springing

I feel like I am coming out of hibernation. The sun is shining (some days) and I just want to go out and plant things and clean my house and wash my windows and organize everything. But then I realize that it's still me and it ain't gonna happen. Not all at once anyway. It will probably take until next winter to get those things accomplished. But won't it feel good when I do?!
My wonderful friends and customers are starting to come by and I'm so happy to see that everyone wintered well and it's always fun to catch up on the things they've seen and done during all this nasty winter weather we've had.

I believe there are wonderful things in store for all of us and spring just starts the ball rolling! Mom and I are so grateful that we are able to visit with all of you. What other business could you be in that would be as fun as what we do? Thanks everybody and HAPPY SPRING!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dallas Gift Market

Going to market for me is like buying bras. It is a necessary evil. I guess it's fun as far as looking for ideas and of course hanging out with mom. The best part is people watching for me! You never know who or what you might see. Apparel market is even better for that. Anyway, we will look for wonderful things for the shop. I'll let you know what we find.
It's rainy and nasty out and we have to drive in Dallas traffic, but you are worth it. Stay tuned for the results.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Are we in New England?

How many of you guys are sitting at home waiting for the "ice" to melt? Isn't this crazy? Thank you for the wonderful comments and the supportive responses I've received about our blog. Yes; I believe it will be worth it. Actually it's fun. I doubt it will ever be very fancy but it will accomplish what I set out to do; keep you guys informed.

I started writing this post early this morning. I was almost through with it when I got a phone call that will change our family's lives forever. My 37 year old cousin died this morning from a heart attack. Nothing prepares you for something like that. So everyone, I will be in and out of the shop sporadically for a few days. I hope that you will all understand and keep my family in your thoughts. You know how to get in touch with us if you need to.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Flea Market Style Magazine

Mom and I are very excited to be a distributor for this new magazine. It is being published by some of the editors of our favorite but defunct magazines that I personally grieve for daily. It helps that I have the last 20 years of back issues of some of them to peruse, but it's just not the same as brand new. This new publication looks like it will be a combination of all the greatest and most creative. I will only have 30 copies so if you want one, be sure to contact one of us! I've been told that it will ship out starting the 23rd of February. I don't know how long it will take to get but guess what? I get dibs on the first one!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Major time gobbler

I know it will be worth it in the long run but this is really taking alot of my time! I refuse to use other artist's backgrounds and other parts for my blog but it's not as easy as one would think to create your own. I tried a really cool photo of an antique linen piece and it did look really great (after 3 hours of work) but I didn't get the margins right and it interfered with the postings. Why write anything if you can't even read it, right? So for now, it's gonna be a lovely white. Heck, it may stay a lovely white.
Be patient with me. It's a work in progress.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Day

Today I took advantage of the lack of customers (made lemonade out of lemons) and rearranged the shop. Mom and I have added another space to our booth and it needed some refreshing. It's always fun thinking that you will have lots and lots more room. Then, reality hits and you find that your merchandise has a way of filling up all the nooks and crannies. Not as much room as you'd think. I'll do more tomorrow.

Life detours

Life detours are similar to road detours. They take you through shortcuts, around obstacles, through obstacles and are supposed to keep yo...